Wholesale Purchaser and Reseller of Computer and Electronic Equipment

Divanti Group: Experienced and Ready to Handle Your Reusable Electronic Needs

30 years
in commodity trading

LCD monitors per month

Laptops per month

Sq ft facility
About Divanti Group
Divanti Group has an established, renowned reputation within the computer and electronic industries. Our reputation is built on integrity, industry knowledge, and performance that exceed our customers’ expectations.
As a wholesaler, we specialize in purchasing bulk lots of computer equipment from recyclers with a focus on LCD monitors, laptops, and reusable computer parts. After sorting and testing all incoming equipment in accordance to R2 standards, Divanti resells to wholesale buyers. As an R2 certified company, Divanti Group follows the strict guidelines to properly dispose of failed equipment through well vetted downstream partners.

Meet the Divanti Group Team
Scott Brainard
Scott Brainard has more than fifteen years of experience in wholesale sales and commodity trading. Mr. Brainard’s devotion to the company and vast knowledge of our markets enables Divanti Group to provide the most competitive pricing and exceptional services to our customers.
Ahamed G. Shadik
Chief Executive Officer
Ahamed G. Shadik has over fifteen years of experience in business development and commodity trading. Mr. A. G. Shadik has been instrumental in the growth of Divanti Group as we expand into emerging industries.
Daniel Beavers
Vice President
Daniel Beavers has more than twenty years of experience in sales, business development and customer service. Mr. Beavers handles all day-to-day operations as well as environmental and recycling compliance. His considerable experience with the Responsible Recycling Standard (R2) and RIOS allows us to suit any company’s needs.
Dawn Brainard
Vice President of Sales
Dawn Brainard has more than fifteen years of experience in sales and marketing. Ms. Brainard’s business-to-business sales experience has been a key factor to the continuous growth of Divanti Group.